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Ajoutez un somavedic et améliorez votre bien-être :)
“With small children, it often happens that the nightmares disappear, which practically rules out the placebo effect. People, in general, feel calmer, sleep better and I definitely don't feel exhausted anymore too.
This way I can handle more patients during the day if it’s necessary. I would highlight this effect to everybody who works with or on a larger number of people (patients) during the day”
Jan Lichnovsky, MD
Somavedic divides clustered red blood cells, working to evenly distribute oxygen throughout the body, and boosting people’s immune systems, so they can fight off serious illnesses, like autoimmune disease, as well as chronic pain, such as headaches.
Medic Green Ultra, which has successfully passed three laboratory tests, has been shown to improve people’s nightly sleep cycle and overall energy levels, while promoting a sense of calm and balance.