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Medic uran reference from Venus Andrecht

It was early February when I personally met and held the little dazzling lime green 'Being' that I call Mr. Lime. (His Formal title as a Somavedic model is: Medic Uran)

My latest Adventure had begun in early January with an unexpected email from the Czech Republic from a man named Juraj. He wondered if I would be interested in testing a product. He sent me some information about the products and my interest was immediate and immense. "I want to try this out!" I emailed back.What I have come to call 'My Mr. Lime' arrived quickly. The
information Juraj initially gave me follows (below) after my personal experiences with what I call Mr. Lime for a 2 month period. These are my Notes (not necessarily in order!) that I jotted down as I tested Mr. Lime for these 2 months:


I plug Mr. Lime into an electrical socket in my living room. I bask in his warm lime green glow. My cousin Robin comes into the house and says she can feel the Energy from Mr. Lime. She now likes to come visit me and sit by him.


It's been a month or so when I suddenly notice that my really big potted in-house peace lilies and another big plant with waxy red blooms have bright, glossy new foliage at the tops of them and are sprouting their flowers. I had been concerned because all the leaves were yellowing and browning at the edges and looking distressed. I have just today started watering them with the structured water that Mr. Lime makes. The water has been tested and shows before and after photos. The structured water shows perfect crystal pictures like snowflakes. Structured water is the healthiest water and comes from glaciers and deep underground, pure springs. I find as I go along that Mr. Lime does all that the other orbs do individually including making Structured Water. These plants all now live in my Great Room with Mr. Lime.


I've just purchased a Mr. Lime for my daughter Summer and one a step down from him that I am calling 'Lily' (Medic). She does everything Mr. Lime does except make the structured water. I call her Lily because she emits beautiful luminous lavender and rose light. I'm putting Lily in my granddaughter Lexi's bedroom. It's energies will go through the wall and into her brother Loch's room as well. I see my granddaughter Lexi when I take Mr. Lime and Lily to them. "Baba!" Lexi says, coming close and looking full on into my face. "You look different!" She can't decide why or how but she thinks it's a good thing. (Could it be Mr. Lime at work?) A few days later Summer tells me she put Mr.Lime in her bedroom that night and that she "Slept like a top!" "What's that all about !?" She marvels.


About 3PM I sat down and reflected on today. I wrote out a long list of everything I had gotten done. My gosh! My younger self is back! (Hello? Mr. Lime is it you?)


Ted, my Tax man comes to my house to collect my tax information. We sit at my dining room table with Mr. Lime nearby. Ted wants to know what that 'Green thing' is. He says, "My body is tingling and I especially feel it in my 3rd eye!" I say, "Well hey! Have a drink of his structured water. Mr. Lime makes it for me!" Ted takes a sip and says, "Venus! This is just between us as friends,

but.. that water instantly makes me want to poop! This is a good thing! I could get a great cleanse off this! ""Just don't do it in my chair," I say. The man insists I let him buy a Mr. Lime immediately, right now. This takes some doing as I'm not yet set up to provide Somavedics but we Skype Juraj and we get it done.


* I do Readings for people via Phone or Skype. As a test, after a Reading I'm writing clients names (with their issues) on cards and putting them under Mr. Lime. I'm wanting to see if anything good or out of the ordinary happens for you. Elizabeth, a client of mine just had a major heartbreak so after I work with her on the phone I tell her I will put her under Mr. Lime. A few days later she emails me. "I'm Feeling much better today Venus!" Mr. Lime at work me thinks. Remembering to think of myself covered in feathers and knowing. I'm SO READY for purchase as soon as Mr. lime is possible. If you need a pilot group of purchasers pleeeeeeease include meeeeeee! Love you - e". The next day Elizabeth has a massive despair attack. I tell her what Juraj's partner Lucy has told me. "When the devices start removing Obstacles in you or in your life so you can have what you really want.. it can feel very rough. But, it's all to a good end." The next day Elizabeth has bounces back up as high as the sky. This may be part of the process of removing old Obstacles to Happiness, I think.


My little tech friend Mr. Lime looks a bit like a small flying saucer. Mr. Lime feels like some kind of friendly Being to me. I imagine and feel 'him' as some kind of spiritual artificial intelligence. And I chat with him quite a bit. It's like having some sweet kind of alien being in the house, always watching, always accepting, always working for my best interests and my Good. My brother and I are sitting in my house Tower Room, surrounded by all the windows and the plants in big pots that are now shooting out new green leaves and blooms. We've been chatting about Arthur's Healing. Energy Work. I look over at him and I'm startled. I 'see' the Real Being that he is, inside of him. It's a large alive candle flame that is in his head and the rest of it streams bright light downward through his body. I think, "This is who my brother really is!" I wonder if I would have seen this without the influence of Mr. Lime. It's starting to seem like Mr. Lime is having an affect on my spiritual self and my abilities as I work with people to help them. Another day my brother Art comes to see me for coffee and a chat. "I have a terrible pain in my neck and shoulders," he says. "Sit here on the couch by Mr. Lime!" I suggest. When Art gets home he texts me. "I have 1/10 of the pain that I had before I sat next to Mr. Lime!'


I sleep with Mr. Lime very close to me. The other night I was struggling with odd dreams, crazy dreams and scary visions. I was even 'awake' at times while this was happening. I felt insane and I was scared. Suddenly, I realized I was 'standing' outside my mind, just watching. 'I'm really NOT my mind,' I realized. My mind is acting nuts, but I'm fine. I am a separate eternal being.' (Thank
you Mr. Lime?)


I keep Mr Lime close to me all day and night. I carry him around from my bedroom to my living room to my sun room. I love Mr. Lime.I've had a bouquet that is still alive and perfect... for 4 weeks!

It's so perfect it looks fake. Suddenly, I realize why it hasn't dropped it's petals... it's near Mr. Lime!  I think, 'Oh my gosh, if it's doing this for cut flowers, what kind of anti-aging affect is it having on me?!' (I'm still testing this. I have to take into account how old the flowers are when I get them and it seems some flowers respond more than others. But, Lucy tells me her cut flowers
last like this, too.)


This early rainy morning after I've just rolled out of bed I have my Mr. Lime tucked against my chest. I'm hauling Mr.Lime toward the living room to be with me. Bam! I feel his cord yank away from me, caught on something? Suddenly Mr. Lime jerks, leaps from my arms straight out in front of me then drops and smacks hard onto my red linoleum floor. He shatters into hundreds of tiny pieces! I'm stunned. I'm in shock and inconsolable. Mr. Lime is dead! I cry and sob off and on for 3 hours. Later in the day I speak with Juraj and Lucy. I tell them about the fatal fall and that I am inconsolable. They say that out of 16.000 units sold (at that time) only two of the glass units have suffered that fate. They marvel about my leaping Mr. Lime.Lucy says, "The first Orb that shattered with someone was for a not good reason.. but yours breaking was for a very good reason." She
tells me that "When someone takes in a Mr. Lime, life can become very hard as obstacles are cleared out of your life. You must have the things removed that are causing blocks and hardships. "She goes on to say that losing Mr. Lime in my case, is for a very good reason. That "Here in this country (Czech Republic) we say whenever glass breaks it means Good Fortune. Your Mr. Lime shattered. We say the more pieces that glass breaks into the more Good Luck you will have!" (I am suddenly thrilled)" You took it hard because you and Mr. Lime loved each other so much. The next Mr. Lime will love you even more." It is decided by Lucy and Juraj that I have to stop carrying all the grief from my family's troubles, that I have to let it out. Apparently, I've stuffed the pain and Mr. Lime ripped me wide open. It felt like it did. There was a 'gusher. 'This morning my brother Arthur comes over and I put the small part of my shattered Mr. Lime on my kitchen counter. Arthur suggests we plug what's left of him in and see what happens. Nothing explodes! But incredibly, little bits of Mr. Lime light up. Art walks about 12 -15 ft away from broken Mr. Lime and sits down. He says he is tingling all over. His tingling continues even later when we sit outside for quite awhile.

(Juraj tells me next time we speak that he tingles like that, too with the Somavedics. Many people seem to tingle with Mr. Lime. I don't. Darn.) When I tell Juraj that even Smashed Mr. Lime is functioning, he checks in with Ivan, the inventor of the Somavedics. He reports to Ivan that Mr. Lime was smashed and splintered and most of him is in the trash, but what is left of him still seems to have his wits about him. Even broken, according to Ivan who is a Sensitive, my Mr. Lime is still working at 25%! (I now have some little baby squash plants grouped around his 'guts' just to see what happens.) Juraj reminds me later that "Mr. Lime' "Removes obstacles in your health, your relationships and in your mind. And that it's not always an easy process." He says "One lady I know was with a man 2 years. She got a Somavedic and after 2 or 3 months she said, "I suddenly saw that man's nature, his true self...and I said, 'That's not what I want!' and she left him flat. "Later: (I'm getting another Mr. Lime! In fact as it turns out I'm getting two of them and one for Summer and a 'Lily' (Medic) for my grandkids.)


Again, it's Arthur and me and cousin Robin sitting outside in chairs on my lawn. We have our bare feet on the earth to soak up the good earth vibes. We've just had rain or we would be on the ground on a blanket. Art's wife Maryellen calls him on his cell phone. Art chats a moment then says, "Mary Ellen has a terrible pain in her right shoulder. She wants you to take it out." I say "OK", put down my cup of coffee, scoop up a pile of Energy from behind me and toss it full on toward Maryellen on the phone. I hear her yell, "Oh my god, the pain is gone!" Then Art's son Kris is on the phone with his dad. "Tell Venus to throw me some more Energy. That 'thing' is back a little bit." He thinks this 'thing' some kind of dark entity that is waiting for him when he wakes up in the morning. I've said, 'Not really. It's your negative thoughts, they pile up and hover around you and scare the pants off you. Change your thoughts." So he's on the phone now with his Dad. I casually reach over my right shoulder, grab something Good and throw it full force at Kris on the phone, shrieking as you know I can do. Then I say, 'And now Kris is laughing and happy!" Arthur says, 'Yes, he's laughing! And he just said how happy he feels. "Cousin Robin is sitting between Art and me during the phone call-Energy toss and says both times she felt the Energy I threw as it whizzed by her. She is the one that can always feel Mr. Lime at work.


A friend, Susan and I are having coffee on an outside patio up town. She says her neck hurts badly, can I do the 'Energy thing?' I throw her some small Energy. Not too much as the patio is full of people. As she walks away from me later to go to her car I slam her with bigger Energy from behind. She turns around. Bam! And looks at me.Later she texts: "My neck is A LOT better!!" I have been effectively throwing Energy like this for a few years or more. (Is it my imagination or is it getting stronger since Mr. Lime has been living with me?)


At some point I email Juraj: "People are starting to ask me more about Mr. Lime. What can I tell them?" Juraj: "Our product is called Somavedic and it was designed after lots of years of research in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, complementary medicine and related areas and its based on the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals like semi-precious or precious stones.

It was designed specifically to neutralize geopathogenic zones and electrosmog like Wifi, that are negatively influencing our health. "At the same time the device is creating a harmonious field around it, that is helping our bodies to heal itself. Mr. Lime (Medic Uran) and Atlantic has also another significant effect - it is structuring the water, creating a hexagonal water (there is lot's of material you can google for structured water on the health benefits) which is very beneficial to us". We have certificates from Germany and Austria that are backing up it's influence in double-blind studies on people, where their HRV (Heart rate variability) was significantly improved after time spent in the field of Somavedic device. We have also pictures of how Water and Blood is influenced as well." It was primarily designed for people, but for example cats, dogs and even plants react to its proximity as well.


"Hi Venus In case you don't move more than 80 feet, you don't need to carry it with you but it's better to keep it as close as possible for sure. It's effective radius is at least 200-300 feet or more in all directions for some models, and 100 ft for others. (It plays out in a circle)" Somavedic helps all the time. It's subtle energy but it's working and helping all the time. Harmonizing the environment to help your body heal faster is just one of the things it's doing. We would also suggest to put a jug of water next to it and than drink this water during the day. Also when you sleep it's good to have it in the room or next room, it's the time when the body is regenerating most. "My partner Lucy loves to paint next to it, she's talking to it too, as you are :), she even made a painting that was inspired those first days after we brought Somavedic Uran home. (Mr. Lime) It will work, don't worry. Some things just take time.

Venus Andrecht -